I hope to get my workshop at least started in the sense of being unpacked and finding and putting things together again. I can understand the terms moving is equivalent to a fire. Man the last few days of my workshop move involved my very helpful friends but it also involved the throw it in a box and move it approach. Its gonna take a month of sundays to get sorted out and some resemblance of order so i can do some things again. Great part is the new neighbors man it makes a huge huge undescribable difference. I am actually enjoying being outside in the garage shop again. Life is looking good even though winter is barreling down towards us like a freight train out of control.
I have a small correct that it should be tiny shop at the back of the garage and i plan on insulating it so as to have somewhere cozy to pass the winter by. Got permission from the owner. They aint complaining. I know some would say why spend your dime but hey its what keeps me going so to me its a small investment in mental health.
and practice for my new home.
Chuck if you see this i will look into what you say re my draw slides but i still want the real deal.
Got lots to do this weekend in the way of woodworking. Picked up some doughlas fir (Oregan pine to me) and have to modify an old bed I made back when i was a youngster. Nothing as fancy as Alan but i gotta make a plan to convert a Queen to a King and add the old headboard. Bit of a hybrid hack job to get by with but i want to try and cheat and blend it in best i can.
Then i got curtain rails to put up so we can take down the 1970s blinds the owner had up and get our curtains up.
After that i got to make a tv stand. So i got a list way to long for here but at least i got something to amuse me.
Have to finish off my router into table saw conversion to save space as well.
Will be busy for a while i guess.
Source: http://familywoodworking.org/forums/showthread.php?28636-Friday-10-12-Edition
coolio daylight savings time 2012 ricky rubio day light savings time peter paul and mary edgar rice burroughs dallas clark
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